Current Reports 2012

Below are the electronic versions (PDF format) of all current reports of KOFOLA S.A. published 2012 year, in chronological order (beginning from the most recent report).

The list of information publicised in 2012:

Expiry of the partners agreement about the way of appointing CEO of the subsidiary - OOO Megapack (179,7 kB)download
Buy-back of own shares – Buy-back transaction of KOFOLA SA shares(185,7 kB)download
New Member of the Supervisory Board(189,9 kB)download
Completion of the liquidation process of the subsidiary(176 kB)download
The intention to exceed 25% of an average daily volume of shares upon purchase of Kofola SA own shares.(185 kB)download
Agreement on purchasing Kofola SA shares(183,3 kB)download
Resignation of Supervisory Board Member(178,1 kB)download
The list of shareholders present on the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (179,9 kB)download
The resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders(246,5 kB)download
Share buy-back program(187,4 kB)download
Dividend payment for 2011(188,9 kB)download
Convening of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of KOFOLA S.A(219,2 kB)download
The proposal of the Management Board on the allocation of profit for the year 2011(181,6 kB)download
The choice of an entity authorized to audit financial statements(194,2 kB)download
Agreements amending and unifying loan contracts(151,2 kB)download
The appendix no. 1 to the current report no. 3/2012(143,8 kB)download
Estimated, selected financial results for the year 2011(84,4 kB)download
Dates of release of the periodic reports in 2012(212,6 kB)download
The list of information publicised in 2011(36,2 kB)download